I stumbled upon Sky dog sanctuary on Facebook. I was immediately taken by the breathtaking pictures of wild horses running through thousands of acres of untouched land I became slightly obsessed with Skydog Ranch.
Skydog Ranch actually has three locations- one in Malibu, one in Mariposa, California, and 9,000 acres in Oregon. You can see in their brilliant photos on their website, Facebook, and other social media outlets online.
What is a Sky Dog?
According to their website, the name Skydog is derived from an old Blackfoot legend. Horses appeared one day to the Black Feet people- appearing like large dogs that were considered gifts from the gods, also known as Sky Dogs. The Sky Dogs became an intricate and crucial part of their lives.
These Sky Dogs were cherished as gifts from above, which appropriately describes the name of this blessed sanctuary.

Rescued Mustangs and Their Care
Skydog’s mission is to create a safe haven and forever home for wild mustangs and burros who have ended up at auctions, kill pens or homes where they were mistreated or could not be cared for properly. The rescued mustangs at the sanctuary are given veterinary treatment and care as well as clean water and plenty of food to nurse them back to health and keep them healthy.
The ranch has a TEAM of veterinarians who vigilantly observe each animal on a weekly basis. Skydog Ranch is a 501c3s, and they uphold an impressively high standard of care and transparency for anyone who has or wishes to donate.
The sanctuary/ranch encourages any and all questions about their operation or any of their 100 plus rescued horses or 30 plus rescued mules and donkeys. They can even provide photos of any of the rescues at any time if so desired.
You Can Help
Interested parties can sponsor a horse or donate to the ranch. They have other options to help the wold horses or help pass the Safe Act – an Act that would permanently ban horse slaughter in the U.S. You can find YOUR House rep and give them a call to help support this cause by visiting the Skydog information page HERE.
Let’s stop horse slaughter in the U.S. once and for all. Share on XSkydog has before and after pictures of some of their rescued mustangs, pictures of new arrivals, and much more. They have short video clips of new members being introduced and released on to the herd, and also clips of their rescued mustangs running or lounging about the ranch.
Skydog Ranch Offers Hope
Skydog Ranch opposes horse slaughter and welcomes any and all mustangs, burros, and donkeys that end up in these awful situations. The pictures of the rescued mustangs roaming the beautiful acreage in Oregon pulls at my heartstrings. They are provided a safe, natural environment to live out their days as they should – happy, safe, and free.
If you would like to support their cause, please visit their website. You can find pictures, videos, and ways to donate or HERE.
May we all be like Skydog and help those in need or in their final hour. God Bless you, Skydog Ranch, and all the Sky Dogs you have saved.
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