Category: Side Hustles

Side Hustle: Equine Photographer

equine photography, equine photographerMany people nowadays have more than one job. Having a side hustle is a lucrative way to earn more money which can be used to pad savings, pay off debt, or help fund your horse habit 🙂 There are many people that make a good living doing photography. This can be anything from family photos to senior portraits, events, birthdays, pets, horses, and horse competitions. Continue reading “Side Hustle: Equine Photographer”

Side Hustle: Become a Horse Judge

Do you love horses or have any equestrian experience? Have you ever considered becoming and equestrian judge?

Every horse competition needs judging officals. There is usually more than one judge for the event or even for the class. Judging can be anything from smaller 4-H competitions to getting licensed as an official United Stated Equestrian Federation (USEF) or Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) show, horse judge, side hustle Continue reading “Side Hustle: Become a Horse Judge”

Side Hustle: Horse Groomer aka Groom

Horses are a lot of work! Riding, grooming, care and maintenance of horses is time-consuming, but it is a lifestyle many people cherish. Many horse owners and equestrians need assistance, especially if a group or an entire barn are traveling to large competitions. A horse groomer is an excellent way to make some extra groom, horse grooming, side hustle Continue reading “Side Hustle: Horse Groomer aka Groom”

Side Hustle: House and Horse-Sitting

Today’s side hustle idea is that of a barn or horse caretaker. This can cover horse-sitting, house-sitting, farm or ranch care, and the care of other animals. Many large barns do have staff to cover care needs and stable management while the owners or managers are away. BUT, there are MANY small barns and homes that have horses in their backyard, and they may need assistance when leaving for horse shows, work trips, or vacation.[social_warfare buttons=”Facebook,Pinterest,Twitter,Total”]horse care, horse-sitting, caretaker, house sitter Continue reading “Side Hustle: House and Horse-Sitting”

Side Hustle – Braid Your Way to Extra Money

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Horses and Finances 

Brown Horse

Financial freedom is a hard battle. I can’t speak for others, but for myself, covering my bills AND getting out of debt is not a quick win. Then you add horses on top of that?

Luckily for everyone there are some amazing side hustles available to help. Continue reading “Side Hustle – Braid Your Way to Extra Money”