Best Horse Apps for Equestrians

“There’s an app for that.”  It’s a phrase that many people have heard because there seems to be an app for everything! Horse owners and enthusiasts can rejoice because there are apps available specifically for equestrians. Click To Tweet

Not of all of the horse apps listed here are free-there is a cost associated with a few- BUT they can be very helpful to you as a horse owner. Try one of these out to help store information, save time, find easy shortcuts, and more.

Horse Side Vet GuideFree stock photo of iphone, smartphone, laptop, technology

This horse app is used on iPhones and was created by a veterinarian with over 20 years’ experience. This app is NOT to take place of a real veterinarian, especially in emergencies, but can help the horse owner determine the cause or issue behind unusual behavior or lameness.

The app uses a series of questions and answers to present information that is pertinent to your horse’s odd behavior or possible injury via a horse evaluation checklist.

Videos and diagrams are available to the app user for further evaluation and health information. This app has detailed models of horse anatomy and selections such as “my skills,” “my supplies,” “my observations,” and “vet diagnostics.” The app has a cost of $4.99 and is a credible and useful source of horse health information. [social_warfare buttons=”Facebook,Pinterest,Twitter,Total”]

Healthy Horse

This app is an excellent way to help horse owners or enthusiasts determine the weight of their horse. You will need a measuring tap of some sort to take a few measurements to enter into the app. The app presents several different body types to pick from. After choosing the body type that best represents the horse, enter the measurements to get the approximate body weight of the animal.

This can be useful when determining how much feed to ration as well as medication dosages and overall wellness checks. Healthy Horse has a minimal fee of 1.99 for iPad and iPhone.

Horse Rider SOS

The Horse Rider SOS can be a life saver. This app is designed for horseback riding use, and there aren’t many other horse apps like it. Many riders set out solo to enjoy a nice trail ride or hack outside of the arena, and this app is designed to alert people if you fall off your horse or are unable to move.

The app lets you set guardians to alert if something happens and will pinpoint the rider’s location after sending out an alert. If movement stops during the ride, the app will give you a warning it has entered “alert-mode” and will let the rider override it if it is not an emergency.

This app is a must have for equestrians who ride alone. Simply start the app button before your ride to activate the app. This app can be used on both Android or iPhones and has a cost of 6.99.

Free stock photo of wood, building, animal, houseHorse Riding Tracker

The Horse Riding Tracker app is a neat way for riders to see their ride. The rider can see the chosen route on a detailed map. The map can be zoomed in or out on and riders can see and chose alternate routes or continue the path they have chosen.

You can save notes about each ride and see your distance traveled, the duration, the max speed, and the average speed.

The app also syncs with the Health app data and can be used solely on iOS devices. This horse app provides an excellent tracking system where riders can see statistics of their ride and view a detailed map of their route.

Horse Show Tracker

The Horse Show Tracker is available to those that participate or show at Quarter Horse Congress and the Ranch Sorting National Championship. The app producers are actively seeking to expand their reach to other shows and breeds, particularly if the competitions use Horse Shows for Windows.

The app has a list of classes for Congress as well as the times and locations, ongoing status of classes, final results for each class, and the latest reports from around the grounds. Have the entire show at your fingertips with this app.

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Horse Radio Network

Expand your equine education while being entertained! The Horse Radio Network covers a large variety of disciplines and is tailored for the equestrian enthusiast. Download or stream podcasts via your iPhone or over the Internet. Try the popular podcast “Horses in the Morning” and enjoy a laugh or two as you go about your morning routine. There are some great horse problems discussed, as well as some excellent training tips and advice offered through this fun app.Free stock photo of landscape, nature, person, field

There are more fun horse apps to try to keep you entertained:

Try testing your knowledge of horse breeds with My Horse & Pony Breeds app for free or download the Complete Horse & Pony Bible for 1.99 to store over 300 breeds in an encyclopedia of horse information in one app.

Equestrian magazines like Equus, Dressage Today, The Chronicle of the Horse, and Practical Horseman all have apps. They can provide entertainment and a wealth of information on your iPhone or iPad. Readers and riders can check out the latest issues right at their fingertips.

Know your respective breeds show rules by using the rule book apps. The USEF app can be used on your iPhone, and the FEI and USDF also have apps that have dressage tests, rules, and other information for competitors.

There are TONS of horse apps out there for equestrians and horse lovers. If you love games there are horse jumping and horse racing game apps available in addition to some educational and informative apps. Try one of these horse apps or search for one to suit your needs because there probably is an app for that!