Jumping is one of the most fun things you can do on horseback. Many riders jump for fun but you can also compete in jumping events too. Many hunter/jumpers are incredible to watch, especially at shows and in the Olympics! Continue reading “Jumping Tips for the Rider”
Category: Riding
Tips for Riding the Canter (or Lope)
Sometimes the mention of a canter (or lope) can send riders into a state of panic. Some horses don’t make cantering much fun- they might have huge, bouncy strides that make it hard to sit. Nevertheless, there are some things you can do as a rider that can help you sit the canter and enjoy the ride. Continue reading “Tips for Riding the Canter (or Lope)”
4 Horse Games that Actually Help Your Horse
Horse games are a great way to break up the monotony of riding around a ring or practicing the same things over and over. As a competitor, practice makes perfect, BUT it can make a sour horse AND a sour rider. Continue reading “4 Horse Games that Actually Help Your Horse”
Hug Your Trainer
Do you have a horse trainer or coach? Hug them. Right now. Continue reading “Hug Your Trainer”
Dressage and Rollkur – The Controversy
The Beauty of Dressage
Dressage is a style of riding commonly seen at horse shows and the Olympics. The horse and rider perform a pattern that looks effortless, as the team appears to literally dance about the soft footing to the amazement of the spectators. The rider often times appears statuesque, and for those not familiar with horses or riding, it is hard to see the rider do even the slightest movement, letting the horse show off its dancing skills as they float along. Continue reading “Dressage and Rollkur – The Controversy”
The Most Crucial Horseback Skill Every Rider Needs to Learn
An emergency dismount can help save your life. It is an option a rider has when a horse is either out of control or has ignored the commands of its rider in order to flee. This type of dismount can be used if the rider fears for their own safety or if the horse has lost its bridle or saddle.
Continue reading “The Most Crucial Horseback Skill Every Rider Needs to Learn”
Fear of the Fall: How to Regain Your Confidence Horseback Riding

Falling off a horse or the thought of falling off of a horse can forever taint your confidence. Falling while horseback riding can be traumatic, even if you were not harmed. Negative emotions such as fear, embarrassment, and frustration can damage your confidence and your enjoyment with horses. There are some things you can do to help regain and keep your confidence around horses.
Continue reading “Fear of the Fall: How to Regain Your Confidence Horseback Riding”
Back to Basics – Horseback Riding Skills Every Rider Should Know
Riding can be a lifelong pursuit for many, so one should have lifelong foundation riding skills. These are key factors every rider should be taught and carry with them through each riding experience and horse. It is good to revisit these horseback riding elements, as they will make a you a better, more knowledgeable rider. Continue reading “Back to Basics – Horseback Riding Skills Every Rider Should Know”
Should Riders Earn Their Stirrups?
Are You Serious?
“Leg first, hands, second!”
I can still hear my riding instructor yelling across the arena as I battled with my pony Snoopy to control his flinging head. As a young and inexperienced rider, I had no idea what that meant. Applying leg means my pony will go faster, right? I did not want Snoopy to go any faster – we were already lapping the other students in our group session. The understanding of hands and leg when riding was a hard one to grasp and can still be a challenge even today, even with many years of riding experience under my belt.
As I matured, I outgrew Snoopy and moved on to much larger (and challenging) creatures. My instructor decided to try a new concept she had read about and incorporated some no stirrups exercises into our lessons. The first time I rode without stirrups I slid sideways off the lesson horse, landing feet first on the ground in disbelief and embarrassment. Why was this so hard? I had been riding for several years at that point and hadn’t fallen off in forever! My instructor then asked if I was alright, and then we spent the rest of the lesson -to my horror- without stirrups. Continue reading “Should Riders Earn Their Stirrups?”