Tag: equestrian

My Favorite Equestrian Instagram Accounts

People, Woman, Girl, Cellphone

Instagram has risen to the top of social media popularity. The image-based platform has over a billion likes shared on it per day and is an excellent place to make new friends, market your business or products, or see what the rest of the world is doing

The equestrian community on Instagram is impressive. From around the globe, equestrians share photos of their horses and their equestrian lifestyle. From dressage competitions to Europe to galloping across the grassy plains in Kansas, equestrians can unite their passion for horses via Instagram. Continue reading “My Favorite Equestrian Instagram Accounts”

BotFlies and Horses- Diagnosis, Care, and Tips

Botflies are a major source of irritation for both horse and owner during the warm, summer months. You may have seen the tiny eggs on your horses’ legs from bots. It is critical to remove the eggs, so the horse does not ingest the bot fly eggs and have them hatch. [social_warfare buttons=”Facebook,Pinterest,Twitter,Total”] Continue reading “BotFlies and Horses- Diagnosis, Care, and Tips”

The Ultimate Guide to Horse Show Etiquette

Woman Riding White Black Horse on Green Lawn during Daytime

Competing in horseback events is one of the most thrilling athletic events an individual can accomplish.  Not only does the rider have to be knowledgeable and apply the principles of riding, but they have to convince an animal that weighs at least several hundred pounds to cooperate in a new and exciting setting. Horse competitions can be strenuous and stressful, but it doesn’t have to be that way. By following some basic horse show etiquette principles, horse events can run smoothly for all.  Coaches, parents, riders, and spectators should all uphold a certain code of conduct at horse shows. This not only improves the overall outlook of the equestrian sport, but it provides a safe and positive environment for all to enjoy. Horse show etiquette rules offer a good foundation to improve and establish not only a good horse show, but the equestrian sport overall.

Try your free Horse Show Checklist!! Continue reading “The Ultimate Guide to Horse Show Etiquette”

The Top Horse Books Every Equestrian and Horse Lover Must Read

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The books on this list are tales crafted to suit the horse enthusiast both young and old. I grew up reading and re-reading many of these top horse books to the point of pages tearing or the bindings giving out. Later, as an adult, I and went back and purchased many of them to have in my equestrian collection. These horse stories hold a special place in my heart. As a young girl I breathed horses.

When I slept they appeared in my dreams, when I was awake they were all I thought about. These books helped my horse cravings and I could disappear into another world for a while where horses existed, making me one happy little girl, and now, as I re-read them all for the millionth time, one very happy adult!  Here are some of the top horse books of all time that all generations can enjoy, listed in no particular order. Continue reading “The Top Horse Books Every Equestrian and Horse Lover Must Read”

How I Negotiated Lower Horse Board Rates

I moved from a small town of oh, about 4,000 people located about two hours outside of Phoenix, to the grand, sun-filled city of Phoenix, Arizona, with my two horses. The small town in the middle of the desert no-where had limited horse-facilities. Horse board consisted of shade covers that were small and holey, dirt had washed away from monsoon rains to reveal clumps of concrete and hard rock, and the heavy metal bars had long-since eroded and had begun to come un-welded, hanging precariously from their posts. Continue reading “How I Negotiated Lower Horse Board Rates”