Why Your Kid Needs to Be Around Horses

horses and children, kids need horses, Kids need to be around horses. Horses provide opportunities to become involved in the care and sport of creatures that are good not only for our physical health, but our mental health too. Kids become focused on their time with their horse – whether it is owned or leased or borrowed, or simply a lesson horse. They look forward to the time spent outside with their horse and love to learn to ride. Horses help kids focus on healthy habits. A child’s focus shifts from sitting staring at a T.V. or a screen to finding the time to get outdoors and be around horses!

Horses Get Us OUTSIDE 

As an adult I find myself constantly locked onto the screen of my iPhone. Checking schedules, answering emails, playing on social media, etc. and kids today are no different. We have everything we need at the touch of our fingertips on our smartphones. Horses force us to get OUTSIDE and do things.  There is nothing like riding in the sun on a beautiful spring day or getting dumped on in the rain as you run back to the barn. Horse get kids OUTSIDE to experience life as it should be experienced.


Horses have a schedule. Feeding, mucking stalls, grooming, riding, showing times, etc all teach a kid how to be responsible. Do you want to ride? Well you need to feed the horse first and do your chores/homework. Do you want to show? Okay, have you put in the effort in riding and have practicing what you have learned?

Horse are a FANTASTIC way to teach responsibility. From everything from cleaning to tack to winning ribbons, kids not only see but understand that if they are responsible, their efforts pay off. They get to ride, win ribbons, or enjoy time with their horsey friends. Horses provide the perfect environment to learn responsibility.

Horses Provide Fantastic EXERCISE

kids need horses, kids and horses, children and horsesAs a child, I was diagnosed with scoliosis. I remember my mother asking the physician if I should still ride as I listened with a pit of dread in my stomach. To my delight he said ABSOLUTELY. Engaging your core muscles and sitting up straight in the saddle is excellent exercise and he even encouraged MORE riding. I was one happy girl that day, and my lessons increased from once to twice a week 😊

Horses provide the opportunity to not only be outside but to EXERCISE. Cleaning task, shoveling manure, raking up debris, grooming, etc. are all great ways to get the blood pumping.

Riding is even more beneficial. You use muscles you never thought you had. Core, legs, arms, and back, all receive a good workout no matter what discipline you ride. You burn calories when riding and working around horses and most of the time you don’t even realize it.

Horses Offer VARIETY

Horses offer a HUGE variety in disciplines and breeds. Kids can start off doing the basics and then choose which direction(s) they want to go. Barrel racing, polo, jumping, western, dressage, hunt seat, you-name-it, there is a riding discipline and a breed for your child to fall in love with.horses and kids, healthy kids, happy kids

They can also master one discipline and then move on to another. It’s a great incentive because they foundation riding skills can be used in any discipline but then the child can learn the specifics of the new breed and their style of riding. There is no shortage of riding styles to learn and choose from!

Horses Teach Problem Solving Skills

Horses have no shortage of problems. They too are creatures that are still forever learning and sometimes situations can arise where either the horse or rider (or both!) are confused. Situations like these are excellent opportunities for your child to learn problem solving skills – skills they will need they rest of their lives.

Working through issues towards a solution can help your child see that not every problematic situation has to be a red light. It will help boost their confidence and self-esteem and help them with decision-making. 

Horses Teach Compassion (Among Other Things)

compassion, happiness, kids and horses

Compassion is valuable. Horse teach kids that they must be treated with respect and kindness, and with that, the horse will show that it not only trusts you but likes you and your presence. Kids learn how to be compassionate towards creatures in their care. Their horse may whinny or nicker at the sight of them and children begin understand that their compassion towards this creature has an effect on the horse.

Other than compassion, humility, respect, and kindness all can be learned by caring and riding horses. These are life skills every human needs a strong foundation in, and a child’s involvement in horses is  a sure way to acquire these traits.

Horse Provide Happiness 

Horses provide a sense of happiness. Horses are loved by many people, including other children and your child can easily make friends with other horse-crazy kids. Just being around horses can improve moods and lift spirits. Why do you think horses are used in therapy? Both kids and adults benefit from being around these creatures because they provide an opportunity to not only feel like you are living, but living well.