Horse Clippers- One Equestrian’s Experience

Horse, Quarterhorse, Western Horse, Head, Saddle Horse

Do you clip your horse? Since I compete, I body clip my horse(s) at least once a year. I do try to keep up on clipping their bridle paths and whiskers in-between, but during the off season I tend to let them grow.

Clipping can help make your horse look show-ready, and it can also help horses with Cushings disease that have a hard time shedding their coats, or it can help rid of winter coats in one session – a convenient and useful way to clean your horse up in one afternoon session.

Because I body clip my horses regularly, I have had experience with several types of clippers. Here are a few types I have used, and why I like them (or not). Continue reading “Horse Clippers- One Equestrian’s Experience”

The Story of Goliath and Red Lady

mustangs, wild horses, Goliath and Red Lady
Photo Credit: Skydog Sanctuary

There is no better story than that of a family being reunited. This is the story of a family of mustangs finding each other after they had been captured and separated. Goliath is a massive black mustang that is well-known throughout the horse community. He had been photographed with his small band before he was rounded up and put up for adoption. Continue reading “The Story of Goliath and Red Lady”

Side Hustle: Equine Photographer

equine photography, equine photographerMany people nowadays have more than one job. Having a side hustle is a lucrative way to earn more money which can be used to pad savings, pay off debt, or help fund your horse habit 🙂 There are many people that make a good living doing photography. This can be anything from family photos to senior portraits, events, birthdays, pets, horses, and horse competitions. Continue reading “Side Hustle: Equine Photographer”

7 Benefits of Coconut Oil for Your Horse

coconut oil for horses, horse careCoconut oil provided many benefits for humans, but did you know it is good for horses too? Coconut oil for horses has both internal and external benefits just like it does for humans. It is easy to find, easy to purchase, is relatively inexpensive (compared to many other horse feeds/supplements) and can be a fantastic addition to your horses feed or used as a topical applicant. Continue reading “7 Benefits of Coconut Oil for Your Horse”

Product Review: M-T-G Oil

MTG oil is a product I had unfortunately never heard of! My horse show friends told me about it and how they use it to grow their horse’s manes and tails- a post you can read about HERE.

My chestnut horse continually rubs his mane. I used MTG oil originally to help it grow back and was impressed by the results. It also helped him to stop itching because this oil has anti-fungal properties. Continue reading “Product Review: M-T-G Oil”

6 Tips For A Luxurious Mane and Tail

mane, tail, mane and tailMy two horses belong to the short tail club. They both have beautiful tails but they don’t seem to grow past their fetlocks. Does your horse have a thin or short mane and/or tail? I have tried a few things over the years and have successfully increased the length and thickness of my horse’s manes and tails. Continue reading “6 Tips For A Luxurious Mane and Tail”

Tips for Riding the Canter (or Lope)

canter, cantering, lope, lopingSometimes the mention of a canter (or lope) can send riders into a state of panic. Some horses don’t make cantering much fun- they might have huge, bouncy strides that make it hard to sit. Nevertheless, there are some things you can do as a rider that can help you sit the canter and enjoy the ride. Continue reading “Tips for Riding the Canter (or Lope)”

Human Treatment Shows Possible Benefits for Horses

horse research, treatmentCapacitive and resistive electric transfer, or CRET is a treatment used on humans. This type of treatment helps people that have inflammatory issues or who suffer from degenerative orthopedic issues. CRET helps increase the temperature of the human tissues through long-wave radiofrequency.

CRET helps improve the quality of life and range of motion for people with such issues. In short, the long-wave radiofrequency helps people move easier.

Recently, research was conducted using horses. The horses were tested using a treadmill, and the CRET applied to several different areas on the horse, such as the neck and back.

The following day the horses were evaluated again. No negative effects were found, but researchers saw that the horse’s strides had lengthened and had reduced in frequency –the horses had a flowing, swinging gate as if they could move more effectively than the prior day.

Researchers are hopeful these treatments can help horses. These tests have shown the advantages of using CRET, although this is still in the research and testing phase. Further testing will be done on horses in various different disciplines to see if more beneficial results can be Horseback Riding, Horse, Sport, Animalsachieved.

This could help horses heal and restore range of motion. Many researchers have high hopes of this treatment being used to help horses in the future.


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Ingredients in Horse Joint Supplements and How They Can Help

horse joint, horse joints, supplementsHorse joint supplements can help a variety of horses! Is your horse:

Older and still be ridden?
Have joint or ligament issues?
Prone to arthritis?
Recovering from an injury?
In strenuous training or used in competitions?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, your horse might benefit from a joint supplement. But which supplement should you consider? Here is a breakdown of the most common ingredients and what they offer your horse. Continue reading “Ingredients in Horse Joint Supplements and How They Can Help”