No More Static! How To Get Rid of Static Electricity with Horses

brown horse standing beside beige fence during winterStatic electricity can have shocking results! There are many horses that find the shock not only painful but alarming – as it seemingly comes out of nowhere.  Many horses may try to flee after the shock which can result in injury, a loose horse, and in a few rare cases, death.

If your horse runs or moves away from you when you are trying to unblanket in the winter, they might be tired or afraid of being shocked. Although it is a small and instantaneous happening, a shock caused by static instantly puts the horse on edge. Continue reading “No More Static! How To Get Rid of Static Electricity with Horses”

Fear of the Fall: How to Regain Your Confidence Horseback Riding

horses, fear of falling, horseback riding

Falling off a horse or the thought of falling off of a horse can forever taint your confidence. Falling while horseback riding can be traumatic, even if you were not harmed. Negative emotions such as fear, embarrassment, and frustration can damage your confidence and your enjoyment with horses. There are some things you can do to help regain and keep your confidence around horses.

Continue reading “Fear of the Fall: How to Regain Your Confidence Horseback Riding”

Product Review: EquiMedic Kit (Basic Kit)

The EquiMedic kits are perfect for horse owners. EquiMedic is a brand that creates and packages the perfect equine firstequine first aid kit aid kits together in case of an emergency. Horses seem to find ways to get new scratches or bites or injuries all the time. Injuries can also occur from trailering, trail rides, pasture accidents, and more. These kits provide the means to administer basic first aid to help cover a wound, stop bleeding, or clean an area for bandaging. Perfect and ideal for every horse owner.       Continue reading “Product Review: EquiMedic Kit (Basic Kit)”

Back to Basics – Horseback Riding Skills Every Rider Should Know

basic riding skills, horseback ridingRiding can be a lifelong pursuit for many, so one should have lifelong foundation riding skills.  These are key factors every rider should be taught and carry with them through each riding experience and horse. It is good to revisit these horseback riding elements, as they will make a you a better, more knowledgeable rider.  Continue reading “Back to Basics – Horseback Riding Skills Every Rider Should Know”

Side Hustle: Become a Horse Judge

Do you love horses or have any equestrian experience? Have you ever considered becoming and equestrian judge?

Every horse competition needs judging officals. There is usually more than one judge for the event or even for the class. Judging can be anything from smaller 4-H competitions to getting licensed as an official United Stated Equestrian Federation (USEF) or Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) show, horse judge, side hustle Continue reading “Side Hustle: Become a Horse Judge”

Side Hustle: Horse Groomer aka Groom

Horses are a lot of work! Riding, grooming, care and maintenance of horses is time-consuming, but it is a lifestyle many people cherish. Many horse owners and equestrians need assistance, especially if a group or an entire barn are traveling to large competitions. A horse groomer is an excellent way to make some extra groom, horse grooming, side hustle Continue reading “Side Hustle: Horse Groomer aka Groom”