My Favorite Equestrian Instagram Accounts

People, Woman, Girl, Cellphone

Instagram has risen to the top of social media popularity. The image-based platform has over a billion likes shared on it per day and is an excellent place to make new friends, market your business or products, or see what the rest of the world is doing

The equestrian community on Instagram is impressive. From around the globe, equestrians share photos of their horses and their equestrian lifestyle. From dressage competitions to Europe to galloping across the grassy plains in Kansas, equestrians can unite their passion for horses via Instagram. Continue reading “My Favorite Equestrian Instagram Accounts”

EPM and Horses- The Silent Disease

Horses, like humans, can suffer from disease. The care and well-being of your horse is crucial to prevent sickness and potential diseases and to keep them from spreading. EMP or Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis is a horse disease many equestrians have heard of before.Brown and White Horse Eating Green Grass during Daytime

EPM is known for being potentially fatal if not recognized, which is an entire problem within itself. Continue reading “EPM and Horses- The Silent Disease”

Stunning Equestrian Jewelry Created from the Heart

Finding the perfect gift to celebrate a momentous occasion, or simply to say “I love you” can be daunting. I stumbled upon Ashley’s Equestrian Jewelry in my quest to look for quality jewelry that represents the love equestrians have for horses and for the equestrian life. If you have someone in your life that loves horses, they will love the equestrian jewelry offered at Ashley’s.

Continue reading “Stunning Equestrian Jewelry Created from the Heart”

Enjoy a Riding Holiday at a Magical Chateau in France

Can you imagine cantering along the French countryside? Experience a riding holiday like no other! Guests have the chance to explore France via horseback and stay in accommodations one can only dream about. Leisurely rides, exquisite cuisine the area is known for, and views that will tug at your heart can all be turned from dream to reality on this amazing horse-riding holiday in France.[social_warfare buttons=”Facebook,Pinterest,Twitter,Total”] Continue reading “Enjoy a Riding Holiday at a Magical Chateau in France”

7 Unique Horse Breeds You Have To See

An Equestrian Breed Bucket List

Horse breeds are amazing. Horses have been bred for hundreds of years. The origins of many breeds began because people needed horses for a specific purpose. Cavalry horses, horses to pull carts or do agricultural work and farming, horses for show purposes, breeds to cater to the wealthy for riding and recreation, and so many other needs and reasons are why many of these unique horses breeds exist today. Here are some of the top unique horse breeds to add to your horse breed bucket list.[social_warfare buttons=”Facebook,Pinterest,Twitter,Total”] Continue reading “7 Unique Horse Breeds You Have To See”

BotFlies and Horses- Diagnosis, Care, and Tips

Botflies are a major source of irritation for both horse and owner during the warm, summer months. You may have seen the tiny eggs on your horses’ legs from bots. It is critical to remove the eggs, so the horse does not ingest the bot fly eggs and have them hatch. [social_warfare buttons=”Facebook,Pinterest,Twitter,Total”] Continue reading “BotFlies and Horses- Diagnosis, Care, and Tips”

Side Hustle: House and Horse-Sitting

Today’s side hustle idea is that of a barn or horse caretaker. This can cover horse-sitting, house-sitting, farm or ranch care, and the care of other animals. Many large barns do have staff to cover care needs and stable management while the owners or managers are away. BUT, there are MANY small barns and homes that have horses in their backyard, and they may need assistance when leaving for horse shows, work trips, or vacation.[social_warfare buttons=”Facebook,Pinterest,Twitter,Total”]horse care, horse-sitting, caretaker, house sitter Continue reading “Side Hustle: House and Horse-Sitting”

The Top 11 Horse Movies That All Can Enjoy

Horse-themed movies have made an appearance in Hollywood for some time now, much to the delight of avid horse lovers and equestrians. Motion pictures that cater to a horse-themed story have been around forever, but a few have produced a limelight of sorts on the bond between horse and rider/owner.

Horse movies are another way for equestrians and horse lovers to get their fill of all things horses, and many of these types of movies are family friendly that all can enjoy. Continue reading “The Top 11 Horse Movies That All Can Enjoy”

Equestrian Organization – Organizational Ideas for Horses and Their People

organize, equestrian organization, tips, ideas, organize barnHorses have stuff. LOTS of stuff. From tack, feed, care items, etc, these large creatures can accumulate even larger quantities of items necessary for their care and riding. This only multiplies for each additional horse you have. Not all horses are the same size, have the same care needs, wear the same girth, have the same size head or can wear the same saddle, which means extra products and tack for every horse.

Having items that cater to each horse’s needs is a good thing. But over time, many equestrians could possibly open their own tack shop with all the items they have accumulated!  Never fear. Here are some tips and ideas for equestrian organization so you can focus on riding and care also and stay competition-ready. Continue reading “Equestrian Organization – Organizational Ideas for Horses and Their People”